


HTL Neufelden


Haidinger Florian

Lehner Florian

Mühlehner Markus

Mager Christoph


Schirz Walter

Wasserstoff wird über eine Messing – Rohrverbindung in die Brennstoffzelle geleitet. Zuvor sind Temperatur, Druck und Durchflussmenge des zugeführten Gases gemessen worden. Die Luftzufuhr wird mittels 2 auf dem Stack direkt angebrachte Axialventilatoren realisiert. Nach einer chemischen Reaktion werden Strom, Wärme und bei eventuell ungünstigen Betriebsbedingungen (z.B. nicht ausreichende Wasserstoffversorgung, …) kleine Mengen an Kondenswasser gebildet. Ebenso wird die Innentemperatur der Brennstoffzelle gemessen.

Der nun gebildetet Strom der Zelle fließt über die Leistungstransistoren. Proportional zur Einstellung der Anzahl der Leistungstransisto ren fließt der Strom weiter zu den gegenüberliegend angebrachten Hochleistungswiderständen, die den Strom in Wärme umwandeln.

Die Anzahl der Leistungstransistoren ist in 10% Schritten individuell einstellbar.

Hydrogen is led by a brass tube connection into the fuel cell. At the same time temperature, pressure and flow rate of the waterstuff will be measured. 2 axial fans realise oxygen supply. These fans are directly installed on the fuel cell. After a chemical reaction, electricity, energy in form of heat and maybe little amounts of condens water will be produced. Also the temperature of the fuel cell will be measured.

Produced electricity of the fuel cell flows through transistors. After this action, electricity flows through rheostats, which are installed in front of these transistors. These rheostats change electricity into heat.


A security component is installed in the electronic box. A new transistor measures the momentaril flow rate. If the amount of waterstuff is not as high as the usual, the user isn’t able to use the produced electricity of the fuel cell.

This control is very important, because due to unless flow rate, the fuel cell’s membranes will be destroyed and so the highness of performance will drop down dramatically.

The signals of every single process component (temperature measurement device,…) are sent to the electronic box, in which they are transformed into signals which are acceptable for the RS232 Box.

This Box is used for the communication between the process components and the pc. Another task of is the control of transistors.

All measurements like produced electricity of the fuel cell can be shown in a cartesian coordinate system. It’s possible to show the relation of these measurements between time or the amount of activated rheostats.

At the same time, all values of the measurements are listed in a table.